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Use These 7 Content Formats To Give You an Endless Supply of Unique and Creative Ideas.
Never struggle to find ideas again. 99% of articles on the internet fall under these 7 formats.

The following categories can be applied to any niche that you want to write about.
- Actionable: The article should give pointers that can be implemented immediately.
All the “How to” articles come under this.
2. Motivational: Share your or someone else’s transformational story that can benefit your target audience
You can talk about the common struggles, problems that your reader may face and guide them on how to overcome them.
3. Analytical: Analyze popular trends or break down strategies of other successful people in that niche.
Articles that do deep-dives into a specific topic or a successful person in a niche comes under this.
4. Contrarian: Write something that challenges or contradicts a popular opinion that is widely accepted by people in your niche.
These are polarizing articles or highly opinionated pieces. Borderline clickbait but not.