Hi Oliver..I want my own name and face to be in a specific niche..where I am offering a specific service and serving a targeted audience. But I have too many interests like any other person..and that doesn’t actually work well in the online world..you cannot charge top dollars for your service or sell high-priced info products if your content is all over the place…if you had bought an info product before, you can retrace your own buying decision…you would have bought from that person because he/she does one thing really well and is known for that one thing...I am yet to figure out that “one thing”..so a pseudonym allows me to experiment till I find my niche where I can work for the next 10 years without getting bored or becoming irrelevant.
I have a separate article coming out on niche vs no-niche ..a huge discussion amongst many nowadays..that article will probably give you a better perspective.