Hi Imani,
Pls, No need to apologize. I completely understand that it can be confusing if you have just read the article, bio and JUST the headlines of my published articles.
From your comment I get that you need clarification on three issues:
1. Why I am shitting on these 4 categories when I am writing about the same?
Ans: Though you may not get the whole picture of what I am writing from just the title, in those articles I have also written about how many different variations of such titles are there and where people shouldn't waste their time.
2. what is my intention?
Ans: To stop people from wasting time on high level fluff and shitty info products under these 4 categories.
I have written about one course on youtube, I still have so many in my pipeline about other courses selling a pipedream that will stop people from buying shitty courses that are not worth their money.
3. Why am I expecting then?
If people are able to identify high level fluff they will stop clicking on them, which will force writers to stop writing such stuff. You can write a million useful things under the 4 categories that are actually useful to people but most people write about: "how to get an extra $500 this month" "How to retire a millionaire". "how to make money on medium". "most profitable side hustles"..if you have read any of these you know how useless they are..but these things are written in a million different versions ..so if you click on one of them you get fed different versions of the same content..so when i read about side hustles or making money online I write about the only stuff you need to know if you really want to do it .
You will get a much better picture when you read what i have written under those titles i have published. So do consider reading them when you the time.
I hope I have answered to some extent. Pls don't hesitate to ask further if you still think I am a hypocrite.