Hi fiona..i personally think medium would flourish far better if there are no humans between a reader and a writer...curators at medium should not have the power to shut down a topic because its saturated..that level of control would not let the platform grow...there will always be an audience for self help and make money articles...let them be..my point was to design a better algorithm that lets people have variety..after all there are 35000 articles submitted here everyday...most of them never see the light because there are humans controlling the curation..that is why medium feed is so bad...the titles and authors i am muting show up anyhow in a different format...it should be like youtube...it recommends you based on watch history and also a lot of new stuff..the right balance..because its 100% algo driven...with the current setup if medium opens to india there is no way their curation team can do a good job...but as Billy said in a comment above, they probably never will because of the funding issue...there are so many things medium has to change if it wants to sustain..and regarding nicolas cole..yes i have read his book...its a masterpiece..personally even i think that's the only one you need right now to get started..that's why i recommended it in this article..
and thanks for reading and sharing your opinion..cheers..🙂