Hey Artur...I have not yet started posting on Twitter because I want to concentrate on Medium first to get a holding of what i want to write about on Twitter.. Medium is good for experimenting with content..you cannot do that with Twitter or LinkedIn..it's easier to grow on twitter or linkedin if you stick to specific niche..if you topics are all over the place it is hard to grow a following on twitter or linkedin..i am not yet sure what my niche is..i have a lot of topics i want to write about before I zero-in on my niche..so i will be focusing on Twitter once I get through posting around a 100 articles on Medium..and no this is not stolen..i like to understand the platform first before creating content on that platform..so i read a lot of twitter growth guides, tips and hacks, both free and paid...and i observed that many people are selling these growth guides which is just repackaged free information...with some really creative titles like "build a six figure twitter business".."earn $100/day on twitter".."how to gain 100k followers in 1 year"...these are highly misleading..twitter growth cannot be replicated..what works for one may not work for others..hence i wrote this article to prevent people from buying those shitty info products..thanks for reading..cheers.